In addition to prosecuting class actions in connection with violations of securities laws, mergers and acquisitions, and consumer protection laws, Wolf Popper has also prosecuted class action cases for violations of ERISA, Antitrust laws and other areas.
We have represented businesses and consumers who have been the victims of anticompetitive behavior that violates state and federal laws. Such conduct includes price-fixing, unlawful monopolization, market allocation, tying, bid rigging, coordinated supply restrictions, and other anti-competitive conduct.
We have represented the interests of employees, retirees, and plan participants or beneficiaries in claims under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”). ERISA imposes various duties and requirements to protect the rights of employees and their beneficiaries in retirement and welfare plans. The people responsible for managing an ERISA plan – who are called “fiduciaries” – are required to act solely in the interests of the participants and beneficiaries, not of the employer, to act prudently, to diversify assets held by the plan and to follow the terms of the plan and the other requirements of ERISA. Fiduciaries and high-level company executives are also prohibited from self-dealing in plan assets.
We have represented consumers who have been the victims of unlawful lending practices. The Truth in Lending Act (“TILA”), protects borrowers by requiring banks and other institutions to make appropriate disclosures before lending funds. TILA is intended to protect against unfair lending practices. TILA covers most consumer credit loans, including mortgages, credit cards, and home equity loans.