Firm Overview
Wolf Popper’s reputation for success has withstood the test of time. For more than eighty years, the Firm has championed our clients’ interests, recovering billions of dollars for them.
Today, Wolf Popper is a leading firm in the field of complex litigation, particularly in the areas of Securities Fraud Litigation, Consumer Fraud Litigation and Corporate Transactional/Derivative Litigation. In addition, Wolf Popper practices in the areas of Health Care Litigation and International Commercial Litigation and Arbitration.
Beginning in 1958, and gaining momentum that continues through the present, Wolf Popper became increasingly involved in class action securities fraud litigation. This concentration grew out of the Firm’s historical commitment to protecting the rights of individuals. As one of the first Firms to develop the field of class action securities litigation, Wolf Popper is responsible for many of the decisions that form the foundation of the field.
The attorneys at Wolf Popper are experienced litigators who utilize the firm's state-of-the-art technical resources in its investigations and to prosecute complex litigation matters. The Firm’s attorneys have successfully prosecuted complex matters as both class and individual actions. Wolf Popper’s reputation and expertise has been recognized repeatedly by the courts, which have appointed Wolf Popper to major positions in complex multi-district and consolidated litigations throughout the country.
In addition to its robust litigation practice, Wolf Popper has a long-standing history of representing international clientele. Wolf Popper’s office in San Juan, Puerto Rico provides the firm with a gateway to the civil law system in Latin America and Europe; Wolf Popper has working relationships with firms throughout those jurisdictions.
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